When the people of the town open their eyes that morning they couldn’t relieve what had happened… An enormous mountain of gold was just there, on the main square, in fornt of their blinded ayes.
As every day in this little, beautiful village in the coast of Venezuela, people had gone to bed at 11.00 pm, after had done what they usually did: Nothing! No hopes, no ambition, only sun, fish and dozens of kids everywhere. Still, they where happy.
They had never watched television, they had never surfed on the Internet -actually, they didn’t know anything about the Internet-, they had only enjoyed the “grace of the nature”, the natural life-style, further from politics, fashion or the economic index.
But that day… that day, when they woke up, all of them knew that their lives had changed, just because they had the biggest mountain of gold in front of their eyes. So, they hit the jackpot!
They danced, they laughed, they cried and, at the end, they decided not to touch it, just leave it there for the pleasure of their eyes. Just leave it there to feed their imagination and, the most incredible thing happened… nobody asked where this gold had come from. And, perhaps even more incredible, the town is still there, people are still doing nothing and the mountain of gold remains the same height. Wouldn’t you like to live here?