The Camino de Santiago, also known in English as The Way of St James, is a collection of old pilgrimage routes which cover all Europe. They all have Santiago de Compostela in north west Spain as their final destination. For more than 1000 years pilgrims have been walking along the Camino de Santiago. Pilgrims, tourists and locals will enjoy, once again, the Via Stellae Music Festival all around the different routes to Santiago. The tickets will be on sale from next week and the concerts will take place on July.
Via Stellae. Festival de Música de Compostela e os seus Camiños. La próxima semana salen a la venta los abonos para la tercera edición de este festival que acompaña a los peregrinos en sus rutas hacia Santiago.
photo: emilia estevez
For more information: www.viastellae.es
For more information: www.viastellae.es
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